Our Food
There is now clear evidence that childhood nutrition has a lasting effect on many aspects of health. Children need fresh, nutritional food and well-balanced meals. Gaewyn and Vicky, our Cook prepare healthy and delicious morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. The menu is attached to the Parent Notice Board. No food in children’s bags please.
It is important that any food allergies be advised to staff so they can be posted in the kitchen and strictly followed.
Our Meal
We are extremely proud and excited to annouce that Rising Stars Henderson have received a Rito/ Bronze Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation for the amazing things we do to promote healthy food and physical activities. We are helping our tamariki to have healthy habits and healthy hearts for life. Rising Stars Lynfield is also currently on this healthy journey to achieve this award.
Children are at that stage in life where their nutritional requirements are very important for their physical and cognitive development and hence we advocate a healthy eating childcare programme for your children in our care.
We are sensitive to your child's dietary needs and allergies. Our centre cook plans a nutritious, nut-free and appetizing weekly menu to provide age appropriate meals that caters to your children's dietary needs. Our weekly menu is available to parents on the notice board.